DE Clutter Life


Less stuff = More life

“ minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. ‘ Joshua Becker 

I talk to so many people both friends and clients that express they want a more minimal place. Ironic because back in the day many of my clients would ask for “more stuff”…I always told them to start by buying only what you love..

Minimalism is about designing a life centered around what you value most. Then removing anything that distracts you from living that life.

In my mind minamilism is not a design style, it’s a lifestyle. It’s about creating an intentional life and making thoughtful choices about what fills your space both physically and mentally.

When I first moved to LA I didn’t have time nor the focus to work on my own place. I was very busy with clients and what ever items spilled over from my projects ended up furnishing  my space.. It didn’t register at the time, but as I reflect, the spillover was causing heaviness in my life and preventing my growth…I was settling, not living my truth, and it was affecting my life choices beyond my home. One day I just started clearing it all out- I ended up with an empty place aside of my books, bed, sofa, rug, and a few vintage items that I picked up on my travels.. I started to appreciate my space more, and be more aware of my surroundings.Today I only surround myself with things that I LOVE..I do the same with my personal life and it has made such a difference.

If you happen to be tired of your own weight here are some steps to begin exploring a new version of you: 

  • Decide what your priorities are... What do you want to achieve?

  • Take a look and what is currently filling your life. Both your personal time and and your space.. this is a way to start noticing what is adding value and what’s not adding value by taking space, causing stress, distraction, etc 

  • Start to Visualize what you want

  • Remove mental clutter..The next line is very important…

    “clutter is not just stuff on the floor - it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living..” 

  • Start with something (anything) that will get you closer to your vision. Clean out your closet.. literally...If it doesn’t add to your life, if you don’t use it -or Love it get rid of it!

  • Shift your focus on gratitude..There is something in everyday to be grateful for. It sounds cliche but Gratitude turns what we have into enough.. It’s appreciating what you already have instead of focusing on what’s next or missing. Social media has made this a challenge because it’s hard to not compare yourself to others seemingly perfect lives.

  • Last but not least, recognize and appreciate what you have manifested and recieved. This may be as simple as making your bed or sofa pretty every day, being present and thankful through meditation. or creating a clean and collected shelf that makes you smile. Maybe life has brought you new opportunity, love and or family….Cherish this…Keep that Gratitude and Celebrate.

x Robyn


A Girl and An Elder


Living In Quarantine +